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50% slash: Bolt bows to drivers’ pressure, increases fares following backlash

Bolt has reversed its recent fare reduction after facing strong backlash from drivers. Initially, the ride-hailing company slashed fares by up to 50%, claiming the move was aimed at increasing demand on the app. However, drivers protested, arguing that the lower fares made it difficult for them to earn a living.

Following the backlash, Bolt increased fares again, though not fully returning to the previous rates. The Amalgamated Union of App-based Transporters of Nigeria (AUATON) confirmed the fare adjustment but noted that prices were still lower than before the reduction. Many drivers insist they will continue pushing for a complete reversal.

Bolt justified the price cut as a way to attract more riders amid Nigeria’s declining purchasing power and economic challenges. The company denied claims that it was a 50% reduction, instead calling it a “fare adjustment” meant to improve driver earnings in the long run.

Read the full news here: Technext